P O BOX 70626
Saturday 10am Youtube and Tuesday 7pm
TBA CHM Prayer Line Thursday 7pm
Call 857-357-0257 Code 405338
CALL US FOR PRAYER : 1-804-480-4181
CHM Partners
MJM Covenant Partners,
Welcome to MJJ Covenant Partners! Our Pastor’s heart is to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Marlon Jackson Ministries affords all of us the opportunity to join in on this endeavor through prayer and giving.
Partnering with Pastor Marlon Jackson Ministries, you connect with the anointing that GOD consistently preserves for the miraculous to take place through the unity of partnership. Covenant partner assist in the manifestation of the vision G'
'OD has imparted in Pastor Marlon Jackson Ministries. Join us today to help make a mark that cannot be erased.
MJM Covenant partners stands for “Unity”. We believe and have great expectancy in Genesis 11:6 And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do, and now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them. The first step to becoming a covenant partner is joining! Because we are unified (one people) and committed in faith (speak one language) the manifestation of GOD’S glory has already been ignited.
MJM Covenant Partners
Seeks JESUS CHRIST in faith to pray fervent and effectual prayers for Pastor Marlon Jackson
Being in agreement with Pastor Marlon Jackson as he follows the leading of GOD
Committed to sow a minimum monthly .
Understands and agrees that their prayers and giving is to a cause to restore, set free and deliver GOD’S people and is not an avenue to raise finances but a window of opportunity to evangelize and win souls in the Kingdom of GOD.
What are my responsibilities as a MJM Covenant Partner?
Consistently pray for Pastor Jackson and his family.
Commit to a strong relationship with GOD by reading of HIS Word and praying.
Stay faithful and loyal to your monthly or annual financial pledge to support the ministry.
Share your testimonies of how good GOD has been to you by email or mail.
Join us for services, meetings and conferences in your area.
Tell others about your covenant partnership with MJM.
MJM commits consistently to its Covenant Partners:
Praying for your family’s salvation, protection, love, peace and forgiveness to manifest in your household.
Praying for your pray request specifically.
Mailing a personal letter from Pastor Jackson .
Providing priority seating and registration at services.