P O BOX 70626
Saturday 10am Youtube and Tuesday 7pm
TBA CHM Prayer Line Thursday 7pm
Call 857-357-0257 Code 405338
CALL US FOR PRAYER : 1-804-480-4181
Welcome to the Harvest Closet
"Where The Harvest Freely Meets The Need."
Spread The Word!
Every 1st Saturday of the month from 1pm-3pm
Men, Women, Children, Active Duty, Retired, Veterans…
Items are limited per person and per family but are all free
The Harvest Closet at Commanded Harvest Ministries
2114 Spencer Road
Richmond, VA 23230
Want to donate? Call or text us 804.480.4181 we will be more than happy to pickup your donation.
All clothing donations must be cleaned or dry cleaned, shoes must be wiped down inside and out a Lysol wipe would do wonders!
We also take kitchenware, small appliances, lamps, decor, painting accent , small tables, chairs, dining, toys, household items, toiletries and women and men accessories. Just to name a few things. Please ensure your donations are operable, in like new or new condition. Any donations that dont meet standard requirements will not be picked up.
If you would like to connect by way of supporting our cause monetarily, there are few ways to send in your donation.
Please make all donations out to Commanded Harvest Ministries or CHM
mailing address is P O BOX 70626, Richmond, VA 23255
Schedule a donation pickup 804.480.4181
Cash app