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P O BOX 70626
Saturday 10am Youtube and TBA Tuesday 7pm
CHM Prayer Line Thursday 7pm
Call 857-357-0257 Code 405338
CALL US FOR PRAYER : 1-804-480-4181
2015-2016 SERMONS
Thursday and Sunday service messages and Speaking Engagements
*NOTE ALERT: If you are using Google Chrome you may not be able to listen to some if any of the sermons. To listen without a problem please switch your browser to internet explorer or firefox where we are certain you will have no issues. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The Big Picture 092415 - Co Pastor Shimica Jackson/ CHM
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"Are You Ready For The Remedy" 092515 - Pastor Marlon Jackson/ Fresh Oil On Fridays (VCLM)
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Do you love what you feel? 092015 - Pastor Marlon Jackson/ CHM
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What's Your Motive? 092715 - Pastor Marlon Jackson/ CHM
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Stay In Position For Transition 122715 - Pastor Marlon Jackson/ CHM
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Getting To The Heart Of The Matter 072615 - Pastor Marlon Jackson/ CHM
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